Vervent Earns Morningstar’s Highest Ranking for the Third Consecutive Year - Vervent

Vervent Earns Morningstar’s Highest Ranking for the Third Consecutive Year

San Diego, CA – February 18, 2020— Morningstar Credit Ratings, LLC (DBRS Morningstar) today affirmed its MOR RV1 residential-vendor ranking for Vervent (formerly First Associates Loan Servicing, LLC). The forecast for the ranking remains Stable.

To read Morningstar’s full assessment, visit: Vervent Ranking Announcement

About the Company:

As the fastest growing servicer of loan and lease portfolios, Vervent sets the global standard for outperformance in complex service industries by delivering superior industry expertise, future-built technology and meaningful services that are built for speed. Our solutions empower companies to accelerate business, drive compliance and maximize service. Contact us today to find out how we can help boost your performance at 888.486.2509 or [email protected].

Press Contact:

Blythe Lawton
Vice President, Marketing
[email protected]